Reels and TikToks: revolutionized digital storytelling.

Short-form video content has increasingly become the top-performing style of content for a variety of social channels. The ability to captivate attention in seconds and create content that audiences actually enjoy is a skill I proudly display. Below are some samples of previous work where, you can see how I craft compelling narratives, utilize dynamic visuals, and leverage trends to create engaging content that leaves a lasting impact.

Rosen Hotels & Resorts Reels: The main purpose of this type face-forward (literally my face, hi!) content was to tell the brand’s stories through my eyes in order to add a personalized “human” touch. These vlog-style videos showcase the brand in a positive light while establishing hospitality authority over Orlando. Below is my introduction video, showcasing how I was presented to the our audiences. Right under that are samples of the Reels I created to establish brand voice, drive awareness, and establish relationships. These vlogs are consistently top-performing across the properties pages.

Creative execution which included story-boarding, pitching to execs, script writing, coordinating, location planning, performance, voiceover, and publishing.

End-to-end creation from strategy planning, asset collection, filming, script writing, video editing, audio selection, text overlays, audio effects, voiceovers, and publishing.

Extra Holidays TikToks: The first active TikTok in company portfolio where we tested reach and viability in newer platform. I owned this channel and understand how to create content that’ll resonate with users. Below are a few samples of TikToks I created to drive awareness towards brand and integrate brand into #TravelTok community.

End-to-end creation from strategy planning, asset collection, filming of self, script writing, video editing, audio selection, text overlays, voiceovers, and publishing.

Extra Holidays Reels: Focused on increasing discoverability by using trending sounds, hashtags, and content. Below are a few samples of reels I created to drive awareness towards brand, becoming the top-category for engagement.

End-to-end creation from strategy planning, asset collection, script writing, video editing, audio selection, text overlays, voiceovers, and publishing.

Travel + Leisure GO Reels: The goal with this brand was to instill wanderlust and share key messages in a captivating way. By showcasing stunning destinations you can travel to with your membership, using editorial style visuals and trending sounds we were able to increase engagement with non-followers. Below are a few samples of reels I created to drive awareness towards brand.

End-to-end creation from strategy planning, asset collection, script writing, video editing, audio selection, text overlays, and publishing.


Static Content